
mindy + cameron

Although Mindy and Cameron live in Chicago, I felt like I knew them so well already having only met them once when I shot their engagement photos. Everytime we met or spoke, I always got such a warm positive feeling from them and Mindy’s mother, Jane.

Early in the week, I also had the pleasure of doing portraits of Mindy’s niece and nephew at the Hotel Del. They are such cute kids, as you’ll see if you watch the slide show.

Mindy and Cameron and their family and friends were incredible. They always seemed so postivie and thankful for everything they are blessed with. It’s probably due to their amazingly strong faith in God which was clearly evident throughout the day.

Yes, another beautiful wedding at the Hotel del Coronado. I never get tired of shooting there! The flowers and decor were by Kathy Wright & Co. And Tracy from Mint Weddings coordinated the day and made sure everything ran smoothly.

Congratulations to Mindy and Cameron!

Click here to see their slideshow.

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.MRC1442 3135FCC blog mindy + cameron ©2011 Darin Fong Photography.MRC3378 4384FCC blog mindy + cameron ©2011 Darin Fong Photography.MRC3850 4582FCC blog mindy + cameron ©2011 Darin Fong Photography.MRC4754 4886FCC blog mindy + cameron ©2011 Darin Fong Photography.MRC4841 4961FSEP blog mindy + cameron ©2011 Darin Fong Photography.MRC5140 5075FSEP blog mindy + cameron ©2011 Darin Fong Photography.MRC5293 1681CC blog mindy + cameron ©2011 Darin Fong Photography.MRC6270 5556FCC blog mindy + cameron ©2011 Darin Fong Photography.MRC6887 5941FSEP blog mindy + cameron ©2011 Darin Fong Photography

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  1. Mindy Robinson posted the following on September 27, 2008 at 3:00 pm.

    oh darin!!! i just got to watch the slideshow for the first time and am truly speechless (shocker, right?!) you captured every moment, every smile, every giggle and every person! THANK YOU! it is such an incredible feeling to get back from our honeymoon and today, our “one week anniversary”, we felt like we got to relive that wonderful day again….and again…..and maybe again :) it was such a blessing to work with you, and also with bridgette! not often do you get to work with such talented photographers who truly has a passion and joy for life, as both of you just radiate! i hope that in the near future we can work together again and i do hope you’ll keep in touch! much love!

    Ps~ and i just watched john and maddie’s slideshow, and wow! they are the most precious children on earth to me and you truly captured their carefree joyful innocent free spirits. i hope His mercy is on me when i have my own!! they are my mini loves of my life, thank you (so i guess speechless wasn’t so much the right word, eh?)

  2. Mindy Robinson posted the following on September 27, 2008 at 2:54 pm.

    oh darin!!! i just got to watch the slideshow for the first time and am truly speechless (shocker, right?!) you captured every moment, every smile, every giggle and every person! THANK YOU! it is such an incredible feeling to get back from our honeymoon and today, our “one week anniversary”, we felt like we got to relive that wonderful day again….and again…..and maybe again :) it was such a blessing to work with you, and also with bridgette! not often do you get to work with such talented photographers who truly has a passion and joy for life, as both of you just radiate! i hope that in the near future we can work together again and i do hope you’ll keep in touch! much love!

  3. Bridgette Balmes posted the following on September 23, 2008 at 5:05 pm.

    I had the pleasure of taking Mindy’s bridals while she was here in Phoenix. She has an infectious personality and smile that lights up the room. You did such a beautiful job. I wanted to be there after meeting her and hearing their story . You images really allowed me to feel like I was there. Every image is beautiful and fun, just like them. Mindy couldn’t say enough great things about you and now I know why!

    Awesome, awesome, awesome.


  4. MsBunn.com posted the following on September 22, 2008 at 11:55 am.

    OMG, the shot of that little girl being dragged by her arms is exactly what my 2yo niece looked like when we had to yank her off the dance floor at a wedding over the weekend. haha!!!

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